Spun yarn exports up in November, China cuts import

Spun yarn exports increased in November, but was still below November 2015 levels and al-so previous month’s level. Export totaled 104 million kg in November 2017, up 12% year on year and 14% in value at US$304 million. Unit value realization averaged US$2.94 per kg, down US cents 5 from previous month, but US cents 5 up compared to last year. Meanwhile the INR appreciated from INR66 to INR64 this year

Cotton yarn export at 85.5 million kg worth US$255 million (INR1,630 crore) was up 12% in November as 75 countries imported yarn at an average unit price realization of US$2.98 a kg, US cents 6 less than previous month and US cents 8 higher than last year

China reduced its import of cotton yarn from India by 4% in value, but still accounted for 40% of total ship-ment during November followed by Bangladesh and Egypt. 10 countries did not import any cotton yarn from India as they did last year. They were replaced by 12 countries which imported yarn worth US$12 mil-lion

Singapore, Honduras, Lithuania, Argentina and Jordan were among the fastest growing large markets for cotton yarn

100% man-made fibre spun yarns export jumped 18% to 5.9 million kg in November, comprising 2.9 million kg of polyester yarn, 1.8 million kg of viscose yarn and 1.2 million kg of acrylic yarn. Polyester yarn exports jumped 31% in value while viscose yarn exports value declined 18% during the month. Acrylic yarn exports expanded 20% in November.

Polyester yarns were exported to 38 countries at average unit price realization of US$2.28 a kg. Tur-key was the largest importer of polyester yarn, followed by Brazil and Egypt

Viscose yarn worth US$5.8 million or INR67 crore was exported in November, at an average unit price realization of US$3.22 per kg. Bangaldesh was the top importer worth US$1.08 million, followed by Belgium with imports worth US$0.94 million

Blended spun yarns worth US$35 million were exported in November, up 35% YoY in value terms. During the month, 6.3 million kg of poly cotton yarns was exported worth US$16 million while another 4.4 million kg of poly viscose yarns were exported worth US$13 million

Brazil, Turkey, Bangladesh and Egypt were the largest importers of PC yarn from India while Turkey was al-so the largest importer of PV yarns from India followed by Iran

Source: Fibre to Yarn Export Statistics – India, November 2017


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